At Just Rs. 550/ Only ( Lowest in the market )
(Govt Fees Excluded)
*Govt Fees vary with Turnover*
FSSAI Registration is basically a 14 digit registration number which is used by the food related business & printed on the food products with license number. FSSAI Registration is required for each type of the business whether it’s a trader or manufacturer or import export or dairy farms etc. if you are involved in the food processing or food manufacturing or packaging or distributing then its mandatory to required the FSSAI Registration or Food License.
Just Send us required documents over Whatsapp or Email and We will do it for you!!!!!
a) FSSAI Basic Registration – FSSAI Basic Registration is required by the small business which have turnover less than 12 lakh rupees in a year. So if you are just starting your business then its required only the basic FSSAI or Food License Registration. Turnover is calculated on the yearly basis.
b) FSSAI State License Registration -If you have already the FSSAI Basic Registration and cross the turnover of the 12 lakh rupees in a year but less than 20 Cr. rupees then its required the FSSAI State License Registration.
c) FSSAI Central License Registration -If you are starting import export business or want to supply at the government various department then its required the FSSAI Central License Registration.even it’s also required for the large scale turnover more than 20 Cr. in a year companies.
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